ACFL North, Trumpeter Swan © Chris LeBoutillier

There is truly something special when photographing animals in an open natural environment. I have spent countless hours photographing wildlife and breathtaking scenery across the United States. Wildlife is vital to our planet, and our lives and keeps our ecosystems healthy. The ACFL has a large diversity of wildlife and beautiful scenery waiting to be photographed.

In this blog, I will post where I hiked and what I found in the area. I have over a hundred miles of hiking and photographing in the areas since January of this year (2023). I will be working on getting the post up to date soon. 

We can all do our part to protect wildlife. By working together, we can make a difference for the animals that live in the ACFL.

Here are some specific things you can do to protect wildlife:


      • Avoid disturbing wildlife in their natural habitats.

      • Do not litter or pollute sensitive areas.

      • Report any illegal activity, such as poaching, habitat destruction, or total disregard to the rules to the authorities. 

      • Support organizations that are working to protect the ACFL.

      • Educate others about the importance of protecting wildlife.

      • Follow the rules set in place to protect the ACFL.

    Thank You for doing your part to keep this special place special. 

    Chris LeBoutillier
    Wildlife Photographer